The 100Day Project 2020

Here is a little recap of my 100 day project for 2020

I have to be honest that my project for 2020 and the Year of CoVid was a bit of a lifesaver. We were in lockdown and my daily art routine was a bit of a saving grace for me. It gave me structure and without all of the normal distractions of life, it gave me an opportunity to sit down and assess what I really love to create.

My 2020 project started with what I know and love to do - Collage Fodder!

Small pieces of art made in one sitting and then assembled all together. I prefer to start my projects with a general goal and then watch how they unravel as time progresses.

100 days is long and you do not want to be tied to any one thing. It’s almost like working in a series. Each idea sparks another new idea and so on..

I fell into making large sheets of marks.Acrylic paint, inks, markers, crayons - I used all the mediums. I then cut out anything that sparked my interest. It became an opportunity to zone in on the marks that intrigue and excite me.These smaller works were then catalogued for inspiration for larger works.

In summary, it was probably my most productive and enjoyable project to date. I found that focusing in on what I was inspired by helped with the generation of so many ideas and also helped to guide my artwork for the year beyond. An opportunity to just think and create.

The added bonus was I was able to create my first online course PEN PAINT PAPER over at Jeanne Oliver from all of the material created during this project. That was a huge win win and helped introduce me to the world of online teaching. Look out for more courses to come!

I have a few tips and tricks for you if you are aspiring to participate in The 100 Day Project over here. I love to chat about my experiences with these projects so please feel free to contact me if you have any specific questions.

Keep easy,



The 100Day Project 2021


The 100Day PRoJECT 2016-2018