I thought I wold share a bit about my creative process as it always something that interests me. A little glimpse into how my mind works.

It's not always pretty and it often does not makes sense, but if there is one thing I have learned through the years it is that eventually I will stumble upon something I am satisfied with.....I have slowly learned to trust my intuition.

I am a starter. Nothing gets me more excited than a big, blank page.

Every mixed media piece starts with marks of all colour and kind. Markers, graphite, water-colour - anything goes. It's a thoughtless, yet very meditative, process.

I try to use colours that I haven't before. I play with layering. Different shapes - thick and thin. Pattern here and there.

I continue this way for quite some time.My goal being to experiment and enjoy the process, while remaining loose. It's my favourite part.

My other favourite part? White paint.

I love getting rid of what I don't like. It's my command-Z button

While I say that it is all a thoughtless process, there comes a time when I have to consider some things. Lights, darks =contrast, edges, the size and shape of things - variety. 

It is a very intuitive process, but one I find very satisfying. I love the randomness of it all. Unexpected marks and shapes peeking though in unexpected places.

Larger pieces are cut up into into smaller pieces all using a home-made 4" square viewfinder. I cut out what I like and discard areas that are doing nothing for me. There are always little bits here and there that inspire me so those are saved for future collage works.. You can never go wrong with handmade collage pieces. Nothing goes wasted around here!

Small pieces of inspiration. I love making them and as I sit here and write about them -> I am thinking that I need to do this more often. It's so beneficial to my art practice.

Call it fun. Call it learning. Call it therapy. Call it what you will:)

All for my creative self preservation!

To watch my progress, pop by my Instagram site Julie Hamilton Creative . That's my daily hang out:)

Keep Easy,


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The 100 Day Project 2022 - Finale


The 100 Day project 2022(50 days in!)