The 100 Day project 2022(50 days in!)

We are half way through this years 100 day project and I have to admit I am a little surprised.I have such a low stress approach to this years project and it has simply fallen into my routine and way of life.

I approached this years project in an exploratory way. My end goal was to capture a handmade feeling. Organic shapes, rough textures, earthy colours - embracing the imperfect.

Wabi Sabi Style.

Raw brushstrokes, dyed fabrics, paper + fabric, slow stitching and the ultimate goal of somehow tying it all together.

art collage 100 day project

Smaller projects, no need for finished pieces, time spent just trying out things that I have been intrigued by….

I knew I would be away travelling for the first half of it so my supplies and materials would be limited. I was curious to how far I could push the materials I had with me.

Coffee filters, sketchbook and found paper, paint (yellow ochre, napthol red, burnt umber, white + black) and a big jar of matte medium.

coffee filter and paint art collage

I love my garage wall of inspiration especially since it was accompanied by a few interested geckos, some birdsong and early morning roosters. I loved watching how it moved in the breeze.

As per usual, making collage papers were my Go-To.They are perfect for short periods of creative energy and little pieces of art in themselves

I also had some scrap canvas and materials so those got painted as well. I am hoping to incorporate more sewing and textiles into the next 50 days.

Julie Hamilton collage papers and textiles

It’s a very good start and definitely the beginning of its own story. I look forward to seeing what direction it takes.

Keep easy,





Fodder school 2022